
Academic work

A demonstration of my work. All items Creative Commons, CC BY-NC-SA license.



An Outcome-Based Evaluation of Faculty Use of the 7FAST Pilot Program
The final report for a class on outcome-based evaluation. I conducted about half the interviews, designed the graphics in the report, edited the final paper and wrote the executive summary and most of the outcomes. Written with Joseph Dresch and Sarah Raezler.

Arab American National Museum Library Collections Plan
Completed for the general library collection of the museum, and assesses the various materials in the collection, condition, ease of access and future collection concerns.

Master Catalogue Theatre with Alice Dare-Cooke (Video #1) (Video #2) (Video #3 forthcoming)
Video book reviews developed as a creative aside for my own amusement.


An Appraisal of the Digital Art Museum
Analyzes the digital art museum, particularly in the areas of autheticity, perception and the "aura". Also highlights the Adobe Museum of Digital Media as a special case. The final project for a class on Archives, Museums and Social Memory, which like the above class on material culture was taught by the infinitely marvelous (and, unfortunately for all of us, now deceased) Bob Frost.

Preliminary Research on the Use of Video Games as Museum Outreach Tools (PowerPoint only; use Notes view for additional information)
Presented September 23, 2011 at the University of Michigan Museum of Art as part of the Museum Studies Brown Bag lecture series. This talk covers basic research into how video games can be used for museum outreach, and how gameplay helps people learn.

Museum Past/Present/Perfect: Current Events in Museums (title leads to text version; PowerPoint here)
Presented at the Michigan Museums Association 2011 Annual Conference, October 17, 2011. I will be presenting a revised version of this talk to the Michigan Academy of Letters, Arts and Sciences in March 2012. This presentation covers the responsibilities of museums to present the ongoing events of their publics in order to become more meaningful and relevant.



Preservation Report: The Stearns Collection of Musical Instruments
A condition and preservation report on a rare music instrument collection at the University of Michigan School of Music. Covers history, storage, climate control, database work, digital preservation and recommendations. Written with Sanam Arab, a fine scholar and librarian at the University of Michigan.

Triage: Short-term Preservation Guidelines for Found Media Objects in Cultural Heritage Collections
Just as the title suggests. Short-term preservation refers to the period between the discovery of the object in the collection and the decision to accession or dispose of the object, a period generally not exceeding 12 weeks. Written in fulfillment of an internship located at Safe Sound Archive in Philadelphia, PA.



A Brief Look at the Skeleton in Art (link)
A video I developed, mostly as a quick look at a fascinating subject for artistic investigation.

Frank Stella: The Construction of an Artist
An examination of how Frank Stella's reputation was established, and how his print work in particular demonstrates the "solo artist" theory. For the record, I am a huge fan of Stella's work, and finally got to meet him earlier this year. Final project for a class on material culture studies.